What is 2FA and its importance?

2FA stands for Two-factor Authentication. Its a process to double check that you have are who you say you are. With 2FA you need to provide two different things, your password and something else such as a code sent to your phone.

Single factor authentication is where you log into a website and only need to enter in your user name and password. Using just single factor authentication hackers can brute forced there way into the system in a very short period of time.

Most people at one time or another has used a common or weak password (myself included) and while its easy for us to remember the password it also makes it easy for someone else to figure it out. Some of the most common passwords include:

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. qwerty
  4. password
  5. 111111
  6. 12345678
  7. abc123
  8. 1234567
  9. password1
  10. 12345

Adding an 2FA system to the login process provides a much stronger defence for your account since the hacker would need to guess your password but also have access/knowledge of the second factor authentication.

Types of 2FA

There are different method types of 2FA, some examples include:

  • SMS – you receive an unique code on your phone you need to enter before being able to login
  • Secret Question – configured by you which means you would be the only one who can answerthe secret question
  • Hardware Dongles – A physical device that provides a one time use code or a dongle you connect to your computer.
  • Authenticator apps – An app that provides you a temporary code to enter

Some systems provide a backup list of codes when using 2FA. Backup codes are really useful if you need to log in without a phone to hand. The backup codes can only be used once and should only be used as a last resort.

Why is 2FA Important?

Each different type has its pros and cons weighing up security verse easy ability. These days its becoming increasingly important to not just secure our banking but also emails and social media accounts. Using 2FA does add an extra step while trying to log in a system however it does improve security immensely.

Using 2FA adds an extra layer that the hacker needs to breach making you a harder target to hack. This means you are a much less attractive target for a hacker, where that hacker will simply move onto a easier target.

Speak to us and we can give you a 2FA solution that works for you and your environment.

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