Tips on securing your smart home & IoT devices


With the release of Alexia and Google Home making your home a Smart Home, its important to recognise the possible security risks. The IoT industry is growing rapidly but in rush to get the device to market security isnt normally considered. We will discuss the basics in knowing how to keep yourself secure.

IoT – Internet of Things – is a device that connects to the internet. Some devices include smart TVs, security cameras, smart locks, gaming consoles, smart thermostats

While these devices add convenience to our lives if the manufacturer doesnt continue to support and upgrade the devices through regular updates you could be exposing your home network through vulnerabilities.

There are a few simple steps you can do to keep your network safe

  1. Before buying look at reviews for the device and if there are any known vulnerabilities. Also check to see if they manufacturer has support for the product once you have purchased it
  2. Stick with known brands. Purchasing from a known brand there will be a higher chance of them continuing to support the product after purchase.
  3. When setting the device up always change the password from the built in user account and password
  4. Dont enable options that you dont need. If you purchase a device that has wifi and bluetooth but you will only ever use wifi leave bluetooth disable. This will limit to number of access points to the device
  5. If your router supports it, the best way to protect your home network is to add your IoT devices on a different wireless network such as a guest network. Guest networks are design to allow visitors access to the internet but not to your home devices. Connecting IoT devices to this network will allow them to communicate with their service but not directly to your network.

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