Backing up Data: Types and Methods


Whether your backing up your personal PC or backing up your business data its important to find a solution that works for you. There are several different types of backup methods depending on what your requirements are and what data you are wanting to backup.

This can range from just needing to backup your family photos or the current project your working on to backing up your whole hard-drive. You also need to decide if you would want to access that information when your away from home.

Types of Backup

Online Storage

This is the most common type of online backup you will see. These services allow you to easily backup your documents, pictures or whatever else you want to store. The software adds a folder to your PC where you can copy or move files into. The folder gets uploaded to the cloud allowing you to access the files remotely or share them.

Some of the Online Storage services available include:

  • Microsoft OneDrive – With the free plan giving you 5GB of storage
  • Google Drive – Starting with 15GB free storage, if you have a gmail email address you share the total storage between your emails and google drive.
  • Dropbox – Free plan comes with 2GB storage.

Backing up small amount of data is great but there are some draw backs. These services dont backup data from your PC automatically. You need to copy the data into the folder used by that service. So if the worst should happen and you need that data you may find it wasnt backed up.

Different Backup Devices

Cloud Backups

We offer cloud backup solutions sometimes called Online backup or Off-site backup with AES-256 bit encryption security. Cloud backup uses your internet connection to send a copy of your files to a off-site storage server.

The advantaged of cloud backup is your data is off-site protecting you against hardware failure, theft or natural disaster. Our Backup system also uses the most advance encryption available storing your data securely.

Our system backs up your device regularly through out the day and kept for a year with unlimited storage.

Local Backup

Local backup is when you use local storage, such as an external hard drive or a Network Attached Storage that the backup software uses to store a copy of your files.

As this uses your local network this is the fastest type of backup but it doesn’t provide you disaster recovery from theft or natural disaster.

Several reasons why this method is still used, some include:

  • Used in the 3-2-1 Backup Method
  • Slow internet connection
  • Used in conjunction with off-site backups

3-2-1 Backup Method

3-2-1 Backup Method

3-2-1 Backup Method is an easy-to-remember acronym for a common approach to keeping your data safe in almost any disaster scenario. The Rule: keep at least 3 copies of your data, and store 2 backup copies on different storage media, with 1 of them located off-site.

Speak to us so we can come up with a backup solution that matches your needs.

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